Friday, February 8, 2013

Potluck Reminders & Announcements! (please read)

Aloha Homeschoolers!
Did you see the Potluck announcement in the newspaper? Yes! We made the Paper! Here's the link in case you missed i: Homeschoolers Meeting Saturday at Zoo
 Thank you so very much, Hawaii Tribune Herald for helping us to publicize our event so we can reach more homeschooling families in our community!

I am really excited to meet up with everyone on Saturday so wanted to post a few announcements and reminders about the potluck:

*First, I wanted to say that the eating of food will commence at noon. Thank you everyone for bringing  goods to share! There isn't a menu or recomendation of what to bring, so lunch will be be a surprise. Bring what you like, and if your kids need extra, you can always pack a lunch on the side. 

Second, thank you Pauline Aughe for donating cutlery. Although their family won't be able to attend the potluck this time around, they so generously donated loads of plates, forks, spoons, napkins, and cups... (now we don't have to eat pudding with our fingers this time.) Big Mahalos to your ohana!

***Third, I will be bringing a coin donation jar for the pavilion rental. If each family wants to donate 25-50 cents, it will more than  cover the cost of the rental and possibly future rentals. I would love to keep renting the space for our potlucks, and appreciate any small donations. (It's only 10 dollars to rent for the entire day--good deal!)

****Fourth, Jennifer from Big Island NIA will be doing a dance demo for us at one- o'clock. This is an awesome opportunity to see what all the buzz about NIA is all about! Looking forward to this, and thank you Jennifer!

See you all Saturday, February 9th at the Zoo. 
Rain or Shine, let's gather!

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