Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kickball Tuesday Revival

Aloha friends!
It's been awhile since I've posted about kickball meetups! This is probably because I put up the summer schedule , which seemed  good enough, but now I'm thinking we need a reminder revival! I was also thinking we might even need a Tuesday-game revival! 

  • (revival--an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again. ------Websters online Dictionary)

We've been playing kickball every week since January 22, 2013, which makes an amazing 6 months of  super-Tuesday kickball! Yaya!
 Is anyone sick of it yet?
The keiki don't seem to be! Plus more and more kids keep on coming! However, I feel we could use something novel to keep our motivation going...or at least mine..... haha.
Let me know if you would like to take over any one of these Tuesday dates below. You could volunteer to run any sports, games or activities of your choice. We will be there to support you in your efforts as you share your talents with our homeschool community. 
The kickball games have been about 45 mins to an hour, with the rest of the time for free play, eating lunch, and hanging out, just to give you an idea of what we've been doing.
July   23, 30
Aug 6, 20, 27

Mahalo! Let me know what dates you'd like to take! All others will be...kickball!
One of my favorite pictures from kickball last week. Thank you Tony Valadon for taking shots of the kids! 

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