Sunday, March 17, 2013

*RULES* for Kickball

Aloha everyone! 
Since our group keeps growing and changing, so have our rules. To make sure we're all on the same page on Tuesdays, I've compiled a simple list to help us out:

Rule 1: Everyone gets a chance to kick once, without getting out. After that it's three outs and we switch.  **small exception for the super young ones 

Rule 2: It's okay now to throw the ball at the other person to get them out: just be gentle, and don't aim for the head. We tried this last week and it worked out allright!

Rule 3:  To choose pitchers each week, we'll be drawing Popsicle sticks with the kid's names on them, until everyone (that wants to pitch) has had a chance, then we'll start over again. It takes 2 weeks to rotate back to the beginning.

Rule 4: Keep the game to 4 yrs old and up only. If a younger child really wants to play, make sure parent is with them at all times, guiding them along so they don't get hurt or in the way. Or, feel free to start a game for younger ones nearby!

Rule 5: Outfielders: Please don't stand directly on the bases as you are guarding them, so that the runners aren't blocked. This is very intimidating to a runner, to be blocked trying to get to a base, unless the person has a ball and is trying to get them out. 

Rule 6: Foul balls simply mean kicker keeps trying! Missed kicks simply means kicker keeps trying! We're not counting how many strikes or fouls. Child can keep kicking until he gets it out there!

Rule 7: Have fun! Help the littler ones. Be patient with those learning. Smile. :)

Thanks everyone for reading over the rules. It's a little tricky playing with such a large age range, but we've been doing pretty awesome anyways. 
 One thing I learned facilitating at camps is that kids will get bored or frustrated if the game challenge level is either too low or too high for their ability level. I really want everyone to keep being challenged and have fun, so I'm hoping these rules will help balance us out. 

See you Tuesday for more fun!!

p.s. Thanks to Suzanne and Brian Miller for the endless supply of kickball photos. 


  1. These are great Sally. Thanks for posting them early. We will go over them as a family so everyone is on the same page. Mahalo for your unflagging enthusiasm. See you Tuesday.

    1. Hey thanks for leaving a comment! And thanks for adhering to and honoring the rules of kickball! Such a cool family! I came home a bit frazzled last week and I think it was because the rules kept changing and it got confusing to keep up! Hopefully this will help!
