Friday, March 22, 2013

Miyana's Monday

Welcome to the new "A Day in the Life" series! This weekly string of blog posts will feature individuals or families here on the Big Island, describing what "a day in the life" (or a week!) of a homeschooler is like. This weeks post is by 16 year old Miyana of Hilo. 

Miyana's Monday
I am Miyana and here's my Monday:
As a homeschooling teenager with a variety of interests and activities, there are no
typical days, but this is a random day in my life.
Mom woke me up as she was going off to work. She works a few days a week while our dad works from home and takes care of us kids. Sometimes, my sister and I, also go to work with her. She works at a small cafe and we help her with cleaning, chopping and organizing. My sister and I would like to open up our own vegan bakery one day, so this is very good experience for us to learn the ins and outs of running a small food business.
Miyana's vegan focaccia bread
I ate breakfast and helped my brothers get their breakfast since they had not eaten by the time I got up.
I did my chores. Today was cleaning the bathroom, cleaning my room, and sweeping the kitchen.
I fool around with my sister a lot during the day and we play jokes on each other and laugh a lot.
I love to read, I am reading a lot about different drugs and the social effects they have on the population and also I have been reading about the death penalty. I also like to read Manga, which are Japanese comic books or graphic novels. They read right to left so it is like reading a book backwards :) I was reading Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler (aka. Lemony Snicket) today, it is a really good book and I listened to it on CD a while ago and wanted to read it because I always fall
asleep while I am listening to books and don't end up hearing half of them.
I then got ready for my ballet pointe class, pointe class is when we work on pointe, in toe or pointe shoes. This is, essentially, standing on tiptoe in special shoes designed to make a dancer’s leg look long and fluid.
It takes very strong muscles and bones to be successful at pointe work. I work on my pointe every day for a few minutes to build up the strength in my feet and legs.
After ballet I spent a few hours talking and being goofy with my mom. My sister and I then babysat our three younger brothers so our parents could go out for their 18th anniversary. We watched movies on our computer (we don't have a television) and we ate vegan lasagna.
I am a night owl so even though it is after 10pm, I will still be up for a while doing school work, reading, and listening to music on my computer.

Thank you Miyana for sharing a day of your life with us! Your talents, hobbies, and interests are inspiring and encouraging, to those who want to try something new! Looking forward to eating some delicious, vegan baked goods in your bakery someday.

Check out previous posts in the "A Day in the Life" series:
Tuesday in the Life of Molly
A Week in the Life of Jaden
The Fun School Factory
A Day in the Life of the Aughe Ohana
The Jackson Five

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