Friday, February 15, 2013

Tuesday in the Life of Molly

 Welcome to the new "A Day in the Life" series! This weekly string of blog posts will feature individuals or families here on the Big Island, describing what "a day in the life" of a homeschooler is like. Our first post is called, "Tuesday in the Life of Molly," and is written by 11 year old Molly. 

Tuesday in the Life of Molly
There is no typical day in my life as a homeschooler but Tuesdays usually have an order to them. I wake up in the morning and have breakfast, usually cereal or a scrambled egg. I make sure our rabbits and cats have food and water.  Then my brother and I get in the car and my mom drives us to Waimea.
 Driving to Waimea takes about an hour. We have two different routes that we can take. Sometimes we go on the saddle road and sometimes we go along the coast. The saddle road goes up and over the mountain. It is really beautiful because we are up in the clouds. However, the route going along the coast has all sorts of amazing valleys and waterfalls and a beautiful view of the sea. It takes a long time to drive to Waimea not because of traffic but because it is a long way.  I like to listen to a book on CD to pass the time. This week we listened to A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park.
When we get to Waimea the first stop is the library. We usually stay for an hour looking for books. After the library we go to the play ground to eat lunch before violin lesson.
Our violin teacher’s name is Jessica. She can play the violin, piano, guitar, and steel drum.  She does not play steel drum very often because her dog Moki likes to sing along. She teaches my brother and me for a half hour each. I have been playing since I was three and can play both fiddle and classical.  
Next I go to my newspaper class. We put out a homeschool newspaper every other month. All the reporters have a meeting once a week in Waikoloa. We decide what to put in the paper and who writes what articles.   We also do group edits of the paper. While I am in newspaper class, my brother goes to the playground.
After class we drive home and have dinner.  That is a usual Tuesday for me. 

 Thank you for contributing Molly! That was simply wonderful to read! Readers check back next week for another "a day in the life" post!

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